
,,2024年4月4日—Startconstructingtheoutertooltotrimthevacuum-formedpartbysketchingasurfaceguideonofflatfacesontopofhalfoftheshade ...,2022年4月6日—LearnShapr3Din10DaysforBeginnersisacrashcoursetohelpyoustart3Dmodelingfor3Dprintingandwoodworking.,,LearntoShapr3D!Playall.,,2024年2月15日—SHAPR3DFUNDAMENTALSMasterthebasicsfromsketching,tomodeling,anddocumentation.MODELINGPROJECTSGetfamiliarwith3D...,

Lampshade outer tool surface guide

2024年4月4日 — Start constructing the outer tool to trim the vacuum-formed part by sketching a surface guide on of flat faces on top of half of the shade ...

Learn Shapr3D In 10 Days for Beginners

2022年4月6日 — Learn Shapr3D in 10 Days for Beginners is a crash course to help you start 3D modeling for 3D printing and woodworking.

Shapr3D Tutorials

Learn to Shapr3D! Play all.

Video tutorials

2024年2月15日 — SHAPR3D FUNDAMENTALS Master the basics from sketching, to modeling, and documentation. MODELING PROJECTS Get familiar with 3D...